After having show one under my belt, I felt way more confident shooting out in the field. I started with Jackson in Clarksburg, WV at the MK Airsoft arena. It was my first time traveling for this class which was interesting. It created more pressure because we knew we needed to get everything right because there was a good chance we wouldn’t be able to go back and reshoot everything. The main positive of the trip was that the owner gave us full access to the arena and helped us out with the shots we wanted. This was my first time working with Jackson and he was very easygoing and knew what he wanted. Since the arena was 72,000 square feet, we split up and shot in different areas. I focused on getting more close-up shots because that was the number one thing I needed to work on from the last show. Once again, there were some audio issues during the interview, but I moved quickly to get the problem resolved. Jackson had a clear image of what he wanted his stand-up to look like. He wanted to “clone” himself. We worked together to make sure the framing was right and that he would be able to edit it afterward. I think the final product of the stand-up looked great and our creative side was shown through it. After the interview and stand-ups, we had a lot of downtime before the players got there. We had to manage our time and find other things to do while we waited. Once the players got there, we had to wear safety gear, but we were allowed to go into the arena and get the shots we wanted. We had to stay up in the catwalk while the games were going on, so we didn't get hit with any pellets. Because of that, we had to utilize the zoom on our camera to still get some close-up shots even though we were further away from the action.