Claudia Di Lima
Hi! My name is Claudia Di Lima. I am a first-year grad student in journalism, after graduating with a B.S.J. in May 2024. I’m from Shepherdstown, West Virginia. I have worked as a photographer for the Daily Athenaeum and a News Reporter and DJ for U92 The Moose, WVU’s student-run newspaper and radio station, respectively.
Over summer and fall 2023, I was an intern at ReImagine Appalachia, a coalition aiming to bring green economic opportunity and support to laborers in the Appalachian region. In spring 2024, I interned with Shine on, WV, a platform that showcases West Virginian artists and their stories, and in fall 2024, I interned with the Student Press Law Center, working on improving student journalist’s rights in West Virginia. I love my state and I hope to continue bringing it to life.
After graduating in May 2026, I’m not sure what I want to do next—I hope to become involved with the documentary world and investigative reporting. However, I’m interested in all aspects of journalism, from TV to print news. I do hope to become involved with more Appalachia-oriented organizations and teams, though—I am very proud of this state and what it means to be West Virginian, and I would love to share it with others!