This semester went by so quickly! I can’t believe we just finished our final newscast. This newscast was really challenging to produce. It had a much different tone than all the other newscasts and it was hard to stack the show and write the script without sounding to repetitive. Just like with the last few newscasts, it was hard to figure out who made show. All the reporters were at the top of their game. Choosing who made show and Best of the Rest mainly came down to tiny details.
Our assistant producer Connor stepped up again this week and did a lot of the work. I only had to write A Block and booth the show while he did the rundown and B Block. It was nice to not have to do it all! That’s not to say this newscast was easier to produce. I’d actually say it was the hardest. We had some major issues come up during shooting; footage not being where it needed to be, anchors getting nervous, teleprompters not working properly. We actually had to cut out a full VO from the show and replace it with one of the packages that made Best of the Rest because the footage was messed up. I had to write a whole new anchor lead for that story and make sure it fit into the rest of the show. I’m so glad we get to do multiple takes for the show!
Everything worked out fine in the end. I’m really proud of the work everyone did in this class. It was amazing to see how much the reporters and anchors have grown this semester, and it’s cool to see how far I’ve come as well. I feel like I’m a lot more confident in my skills and comfortable taking charge.Being the producer for WVU News this semester was an honor. I’m so glad I got to be apart of this team, even if it was only for a few months.