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Spring 2022 Producer's Blog #4


Four shows down, one to go! I can’t believe how fast the time has gone. As we wrapped up our first

30-minute show, I realized we only have a few weeks of school left, then graduation, and then I will be out in the real world.

These past two weeks have been extremely stressful for me. Probably the most stressed I have been in college. Between creating our first 30-minute show and having five different job interviews, I have been a bit of a wreck. I was able to pull it together and pull through to get the job done, not without mistakes though.

Picture of notes off of a computer.

Like every other Friday, I worked on creating the script. I knew it was going to take me longer than the last two shows because I was working with more material to create a longer show. Oh, you should have seen my coffee table. It was covered in paper from past shows to help me feel inspired and remember the graphic cues I needed to add. I did make a few mistakes. I forgot some cues, and I forgot to add page numbers at the bottom. Those are things I should have down by now, but they slipped my mind. I worked non-stop to have the show done to send to my professors because I wasn’t going to be home most of the day Saturday.

Selfie of three people.

On Saturday, two of our classes’ reporters, Dustin, Andrew, and I went to a West Virginia Broadcasters Association conference hosted by Al Tompkins. His talk was on interview essentials, and it was informative and helpful. He taught us to ask those “what” questions to get facts and to repeat a keyword that our interviewee has used. It was cool being able to step out of the classroom and be with working journalists and to hear their experiences in the field.

Picture of someone in front of the screens in the control room.

Finally, it was Wednesday, and we were back in the studio to record our fourth newscast. We fully went through the show four times and a half time once. We had a few hiccups, more than usual. There were some technical issues and a few slipups on set. Overall, I am so proud of everyone. We were able to work as a team to put this show together, and I can’t wait to see what show five has in store!