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Spring 2022 Producer's Blog #3


Another newscast down! It is crazy to believe that there are only two left. Normally it takes two weeks to produce a full newscast. The first week is spent reviewing everyone’s packages and writing the script. The second is spent editing packages and then doing the newscast on Wednesday, but this time around was a little different. We had spring break between the two weeks, a whole week off.

Picture of someone taking notes off of a laptop.

After the last newscast, I found that taking the time to do research on everyone’s packages beforehand helped save me time when it came to writing the script. I made sure to block off two hours on Tuesday to find stats and facts on everyone’s stories. This was I wouldn’t have to do it on Friday.

Picture of someone in the control room.

On Thursday, I sat in on all the reporters’ writing conferences with Professor Marra. This helps give me more of an insight into everyone’s packages. I also have to give feedback to all the reporters on their final packages, so being able to sit in on these conferences helps me see what they fixed and what they still have to fix.

On scriptwriting Fridays, I get up extra early and walk to Starbucks for that caffeine pick me up before getting started. As the weeks go by, scriptwriting gets easier. I am less stressed and feel more confident in my final product than the one before. I am a little nervous with the next two shows being thirty minutes instead of fourteen minutes and thirty seconds, but I think if I stick with what I have been doing I should be fine!

Picture of the control room with screens.

I finished the script Friday night and sent it to my assistant producer, and then had it to the associate producer Saturday morning. I wanted to try to get it done because I was headed to the Pittsburgh airport for my spring break trip to Georgia on Monday morning. I did end up working on it in Georgia, but who could complain when you have a lake view. 

Now it’s Wednesday, March 23, I’m back in Morgantown at the studio to film newscast three. I know I have said this in previous blog posts, but the studio and filming are my favorite part of the whole process. I enjoy working with the rest of the tech crew and talking to the anchors as they do their thing! We only have two shows left and I can’t wait to see how turn out!

Picture of someone sitting on a couch.