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Spring 2025 Cassidy Roark-Eshelman Videographer Blog #1


Being a videographer and being part of the WVU news show with social media is bringing me a lot of firsts this semester. Having a very strong background with photography, I did not expect to have such a challenge with the camera and learn more than I did. Reporting with social media, especially for a news show, is also very different. In a way, you are promoting the show but also educating about the stories from the reporters you are working with. 

We all started our two-week process with a practice show. I learned my technical part with the cameras on set and directly after, went to film practice stand-ups and SOTz. This was my first real experience filming out in the field and being in front of the camera with broadcast. I was there with three classmates, including Mason Kinsey who has more experience with these cameras. I tried to take this homework assignment as a learning experience. 

Cassidy filming in the field.

When I say I struggle with the cameras, I did struggle. It was not a struggle that most think of but more personal because I use my personal camera almost every day. After putting my ego aside, I asked questions and learned the camera and its setting fairly well. During this experience, I also learned how unpredictable the environment can be when out on the field. With still photography, the environment can be a problem but I am not working with sound, and here I was. It was windy and cold which very much caused issues with audio and stabilization to the tripod. The whole time I was thinking if this was real life and I was helping film an interview, you need to persevere past the environment and be creative because sometimes you can not redo or stop an interview. 

Working on this assignment did prepare me for working with other classmates with their packages. Going back to my ego, there was a moment where I was very disappointed and frustrated with myself when videoing Mia Baroni with her expert Dr. Katie Jones. The camera was stuck in black and white, and we could not fix it. As the videographer there, I felt this was my responsibility to fix but also know how to fix. I was so frustrated with myself I remember thinking to myself, “How do you not know how to fix this, this is part of your major?”  After I took a step back and realized this is a new camera, I am not perfect, I relaxed. Once I did this, I remembered the infrared switch on the camera is what makes it shoot in black and white, which did end up being the problem. 

Selfie of Cassidy in the field.

This made me realize my biggest struggle was the cameras but also butting heads with myself. Taking a step back and learning something new, even in my last semester, is okay. 

Besides videography, social media with sports is another job of mine. I decided on a day in the life of a sports reporter (first day on set and the field) TikTok/reel for the first show. I had a lot of fun making this. I took some behind-the-scenes footage on set, and got some fun videos of Terrell Thompson (sports anchor/reporter) and Brian McQuillen (sports reporter) onset and in the field. I also went to the WVU basketball game since Terrell was covering it for his story. 

Cassidy in the studio.

When I made the video, I originally made it way too long with too much talking that, honestly, no one listens to on social media. I was having a hard time connecting journalism, social media and reporting. Once I talked with Prof. Trinone, she helped me realize how much fun these types of videos need to be. 

These past two weeks overall, I learned a lot about this class, my roles and myself. I learned how to better execute my roles in this class while helping to produce great content. I also learned I personally have a lot of interest in journalism but I also can get a little over excited. I learned to put my ego aside and ask for help when needed – and that it is really okay!