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Spring 2024 Sports Blog #4


For show four, I did my story on a preview of spring football, as the Mountaineers headed into spring football practice earlier this month. I had a really funny time shooting this story because I got to go to their first official practice that allowed media attendance and I had lots of fun covering it. For my story I got to go to Neal Brown's first official press conference and it was great to hear him talk about the upcoming season. This team has a lot in store with returning players and new transfers.

Portrait of Terrell

I also attended Garrett Greene and Aubrey Burk's press conferences after their practices and they both talked about the team as a whole and were excited to get things rolling in the new season. I really enjoyed covering this story and it was honestly the best time I've had this year, in the field, because of the popularity of Mountaineer football.

Portrait of Terrell

I was really excited to do team coverage with our sports anchor, Tannor, this week to get some more experience on set. I felt a lot more comfortable this week and wasn't as nervous when I was on set. I am very happy that this class has worked well together this semester and I have seen tremendous growth, as we've moved through each show. It's really crazy that we are approaching our last show of this semester and school is about to end! I have learned so much this semester from Professor Dahlia and Professor Marra. It's great to have so much support from them every single week. I can't wait to finish off this semester and continue to grow as we finish our final show in the coming weeks.

For the last show, our theme is social media and AI. I am doing a story on the TV ratings involved in WVU athletics, regarding the Big 12 as a brand. WVU athletics also has one of the largest social media followings of the schools participating on the new Big 12 conference, and that could be a huge help to their TV viewership. I think that this will be a fun story to cover because I will get to talk to Chris Ostein about the TV ratings involving WVU sports through Espn+. WVU has made major headlines, twice, by achieving one of the highest TV ratings in sports, with record viewership in the Backyard Brawl and the Iowa-WVU women's basketball game.