For show two, my story was about the Beauty and the Beast Event that featured the gymnastics and wrestling team, side-by-side in the WVU Coliseum. It was my first time covering gymnastics and wrestling, which was a very cool experience. I have always wanted to be versatile as a sports reporter and cover things that don't get as much attention on campus and I felt like this was an event that would be a great opportunity for me to pursue. I wanted to do this story because the event made its return for the first time in 3 years, since the pandemic. Mountaineer Fan Fest was also going on in the Coliseum, before the event started. I knew that this event would attract tons of fans who wanted to experience the excitement and give attention to two sports that aren't as publicized.
For my story I interviewed Olivia Sneed, who is the Assistant Director of Athletic Communications for Women's soccer and Gymnastics. I talked to Olivia about the event as a whole and if she thought that WVU would continue events like these in the future. I also conducted MOS (Man on the Street) interviews in the Coliseum, which was a great experience because I was able to talk to fans about their experience watching the Beauty and the Beast event, as well as their takeaways.
Overall, I had a great time shooting this package and I have learned so much over the course of these two shows that we have produced as a class. As I move forward with my stories, I would like to incorporate tighter shots and correct my Stand Up's and SOTZ's to make them more unique. I am grateful for the knowledge and feedback I have received from Prof. Dahlia and Prof. Marra. I'm so excited for our next three shows this year and I can't wait to continue growing with this class as a cohesive unit as we finish up the semester.
It has always been a dream of mine to be a sports reporter. These last two shows have given me an opportunities to grow my skills and knowledge. I have improved tremendously as a reporter throughout my time at WVU and my passion for broadcasting has only continued to increase!
It has been fun shooting these stories and learning from my classmates as well. Tannor, our sports achor, is a great person to work with. I've gotten to know him over my last couple years at WVU and can confidently say he is a great sports anchor/reporter. I have learned a lot from him this semester and I'm glad that we have been able to work together to cover sports on campus.
I can't wait to keep rolling through this semester and continue reporting on more exciting things, like baseball and football. More opportunities are to come for this class and I'm excited to see what the future holds for us!