This semester has been one of the best I have experienced at WVU. I remember finishing up JRL 386 last semester feeling nervous for what was to come. I had high hopes of being a sports anchor or sports reporter and I was anxious to find out what position I would hold in WVU News. I auditioned and was picked to be the sports reporter for this term. I was so excited to start the semester covering the beat that I wanted since my freshman year at WVU.
This semester has been a great learning experience for me and I couldn't do it without the help of Professors Dahlia and Marra. I have experienced so much growth as a reporter and I'm blessed to be able to gain knowledge from such amazing mentors. The support that I have gotten from them has allowed me to keep pursuing my dreams. I'm thankful that I will be able to grow under their guidance for another two semesters as I take Mountaineer Playbook in the Fall and WVU News next Spring.
These shows have been an amazing experience. I am so grateful that I have gotten a chance to learn the ins and outs of operating a newscast, whether on-set or in the production room. As a cohesive unit, I think working with everyone everyday made things fun and I feel that everyone in the class grew very close. This was great because it made our daily interactions easier and enjoyable.
Lastly, I would like to thank our sports anchor, Tannor, for letting me learn as much as possible from
him this semester. It has been great getting to know him throughout our time together at WVU
and I think we did a fantastic job together covering sports on campus this year. I think we both
had the vision to execute engaging sports stories with a wide range of coverage. Overall I am so happy with the work we put in and the quality we produced. I know Tannor will do great things in his future endeavors and I'm super excited to see how his future plays out. Keep shining my guy!
-Terrell Thompson, WVU News Sports Reporter, Spring 2024
This past spring has been so much fun! I was able to cover Mountaineer Sports at a
level I haven’t experienced before. I have been invested in WVU Athletics for a long time and, prior to
working with WVU News, I worked at U92 The Moose, where I am currently the Sports
Director. I have called games and discussed Mountaineer sports on hundreds of broadcasts.
However, I wasn’t able to tell a story like I was able to do on WVU News as the
sports anchor.
Working with Terrell was a ton of fun and I felt we did a tremendous job and had great on-camera chemistry. Professors Dahlia and Marra are the best people to have in your corner, the support that they gave me is unmatched. The rest of the team have become some of my closest friends. We shared many laughs over the course of this semester and I've made some of the best memories. This experience has been a staple of my college career. We all worked extremely hard and I am proud of the product we put out week in and week out.
I have learned a lot about myself and I've grown as a person. I think WVU News is one of the tougher, faster-paced capstones not only on campus but in the country and it has prepared me for my future. Without the work I’ve done in WVU News I wouldn’t be nearly as prepared for my future. This fall I’m heading to the University of Missouri to get my Master's degree in Broadcast Journalism. I cannot wait to continue to build my skills as a broadcaster and storyteller.
I am excited to see what the team continues to do, and I think overall we did a great job. Terrell
has a lot of runway with two more semesters to go. The growth that he experienced was amazing. I cannot wait to continue to follow the work he does as he finishes out his degree here at WVU. Terrell is going to have the chance to cover athletes, teams, coaches and events like we've never seen before. Mountaineer sports are currently in a great spot and I'm a bit jealous to be watching from the sidelines. Terrell will do great though, and I’ll be watching him and supporting him all the way. Go be great Terrell!
I have so many people to thank for helping me along the way, but just don’t have the space. It’s
going to take some time for me to realize that it is over here for me at WVU at least for now...
But I wouldn’t trade the experience I’ve had here. Thank you to everyone for this amazing ride.
-Tannor Enyart WVU News Sports Anchor, Spring 2024