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Fall 2017 Sports Blog #5


I can’t believe that this week was my last time anchoring sports. It seems just like yesterday that I was a nervous, scared student auditioning for news positions. It’s hard to believe that we only have one newscast left. I just don’t know where the time has gone.

This class has taught me so much not only about how to report on sports, but I’ve learned a lot about myself.

Anchor at the desk.

These past few weeks have been some of the roughest weeks this semester. After my last stories about the Clear Bag Policy and then my feature story on Randy Mazey, I had a tough time finding a story that I wanted to do and knew I could do a good job at. There weren’t any events going on and there wasn’t anything exciting that was really happening in any of the sports. I was reading the Dominion Post one day, and came across a story about these sisters who played on the soccer team. One of them was a senior and the other a freshman and I felt really connected to this story. I am a senior now and my sister just started her freshman year here at WVU, so I knew that this was a story I could dive into.

Players and fans celebrating.

Looking ahead to this final package I have decided that I am going to cover a story about the song ‘Country Roads’ and how it is now being used for tourism in West Virginia. I am really excited to go out with this story, because the song ‘Country Roads’ has been something I’ve been singing since I could talk. Being from Morgantown this song touches the lives of everyone who’s from West Virginia, and I think it’s a great idea that we are now going to start using the song to promote our beautiful state. I’m really looking forward to this last package and I couldn’t think of a better story to do.

Coming up on the last package I look back at everything I have learned. I learned how to shoot different sports. I learned that the weather is not your friend. I learned that no matter how hard I am on myself it will all be okay in the end. This semester I have pushed myself more than I have any other semester. There were many times where I broke down cried and felt like giving up, but I picked myself up and kept going. After one more package my time at WVU will come to an end, and the next chapter of my life will begin. Skills I have learned from the class I will take with me to hopefully one day get a job.