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Spring 2018 Sports Blog #3


The third newscast is complete! I have to start by saying how thankful I am to be a part of such a dedicated and hardworking news team. The morning of our show, we got hit with a snow storm. If you know Morgantown, it’s hill after hill after hill. A few of our team members couldn’t drive because the roads were so slick but those who could managed to get everyone there, except the most important of them all, Professor Dahlia! 

She was unable to make it to the taping due to the weather, but we pulled ourselves together, worked as a team and ran the entire newscast on our own! This simply would not have been possible if we did not have the team we do. So, thank you to everyone who made our taping a success and I could not be more proud to be a part of it.

On the baseline at a basketball game.On the football field.

On a lighter note, what an experience this has been so far! From being court-side at the basketball games to catching a football on the snow covered Mountaineer field for a standup, I wouldn’t have trade it for the world. 

I was extremely nervous to cover sports at first because I was so used to covering hard-hitting news. But throughout this journey I will be the first one to tell you that change and stepping out of your comfort zone is a GOOD THING! I feel that I have opened an entire new part of my reporter side that I never knew existed. I have met athletes, coaches and of course crazy passionate fans. I have gained knowledge, experience and great friends.

On the baseline at a basketball game.

This week, I anchored Ben Murray’s story on the wrestling coach, Sammie Henson. He started coaching the Mountaineers in 2014 and the team earned their first Big-Twelve win and individual title last year, under his guidance. He has also achieved many accolades over the years including; 71-0 in college, two national championships, three world championships, USA Wresting Hall of Fame and the South Carolina Athletic Hall of Fame. Henson has only two graduating seniors, so he is confident that the team will have more than enough experience for the upcoming 2018-2019 season.

Three anchors on camera.

Our next newscast is our “Special Edition” show. This is our most important show throughout the semester because it is what we submit for awards and such. One of our main anchors is unable to anchor the show, so I have been asked to step in as her replacement. I was the main anchor last semester, but WOW am I nervous! I know what is expected out of me and I have been through this before, but trust me, the nervous feeling never go away! The theme for this show is gun violence. We may not want to talk about it, or we may want to talk about it too much, but one thing we can all agree on is that the violence must come to an end. I am excited to step back on the anchor desk and can’t wait to see everyone's packages.

Wide shot of anchors.