The package I did for the fourth newscast was on the NCAA Rifle Championships. Although I did not make show, I was proud of my progress. I am not a natural at formulating story packages like others are, but getting a mid-B as a grade was something I could build off of for the remaining shows.
My grade has improved on my story packages each time and that is all I can hope for is to improve episode after episode. Filming rifle was fun, it was my first time and I had a lot of fun. Shooting stand-ups and making them interested for sporting events aside from the typical football, baseball, and basketball is difficult, but it can be done, and that is something I need to improve upon.
The story package I will be doing for our fifth newscast with be on the WVU Football spring practices they are having, and basically an overall summary of how the offseason has gone so far. Especially with Neal Brown now as the head coach, the team is having a lot more buzz around it this offseason than any other in the recent past. I look forward to really showing what Mountaineer football practices are like, and showing the viewers the new energy instilled in these practices. I have attended some media press conferences, and plan on attending practice this Saturday around 10 in the morning to get some good b-roll shots.
The more I do it the more I get comfortable with it. That’s something I have been telling myself and truly have started to believe it the more time I spend in front of the camera. It is something that I wanted to do to take me out of my normal comfort zone. I will stutter and mess up a word or a phrase or something, but I have some amazing people around me talking in my ear during the show to tell me to calm down and just relax.
The words of encouragement go a long way and Ian Miller and John Lowe have been a huge help in the control room making sure things go as perfectly as they can. I am so thankful to be working with this entire group and these students around me, we make for such a great team and everyone is accepting and happy with their role it seems like. For more information on anything and everything WVU News related, feel free to give me a follow on Twitter: @ChrisMWVUNews. Check out our upcoming fifth newscast on Wednesday, April the 10th.