Filming my last package:
The story I choose for show three was a profile on the WVU rifle team and their current #1 national ranking. The team was very fun and easy-going when it came to interviews. Each of the athletes I talked to shared the same view of the ranking, they do not focus on it. Rather, the team aims to get better in practice every day and the heightened competition only breeds more success for the team of potential NCAA champions. Unfortunately, the audio I recorded in my interviews was not the greatest and it negatively affected my package. I will be focusing on my audio for my next package.
My story for Show #4:
For show four, I plan on doing a piece on international athletes, specifically athletes that come from countries where the culture and language are significantly different. Throughout the WVU sports teams, there are numerous athletes from other nations. Many of them are from Europe and South America. My goal for my story is to convey the added struggles these athletes have due to them living in a foreign country.
How Newscast #3 Went:
We shot many takes, but I felt the third show was the best one yet. As an anchor, I feel our chemistry has hit a high point which makes it easy to be yourself on camera. Personally, I felt it was my best read I’ve had on-set so far and I am excited for everyone to see it!
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