This week was definitely a new challenge for me. I thought shooting the basketball game was tough because it was all handheld shooting. Even though handheld shooting isn’t new to me, it was difficult shooting underneath the hoop trying to get a variety of different angles. I think this was great practice for the next time I shoot the basketball team.
While editing this week, I was having a lot of trouble with my audio. Not necessarily the game audio, but the audio I got from the post-game press conference. I thought the mic’s may have been a little high because the audio during the interview portions sounded very fuzzy. After working on it, I was able to make the audio a little better.
I thought the show this week went pretty well. The stories across the board were amazing from everyone. I definitely had a good feeling because I got to be back on the desk after being sick last week. We had a couple bad takes in the middle, but we ended up finishing strong. That wrapped up our 5th show with only one left to go. I’m both sad and excited to see what everyone brings to the table for the last show.